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Corporate Responsability

Miércoles 30 Mar 2022
/ Blog
Corporate Responsability
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This Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Policy includes the principles of action of Xcala Travel that set the guidelines for behavior related to its corporate governance, the management of its human capital, its commitment to the Environment, in addition to indicating the parameters under which the company materializes its social action strategy.


Xcala Travel is an organization focused on excellence in customer experience management and innovation, which provides comprehensive tourism services through a sustainable model and contributes to creating value for its shareholders, customers and employees, maintaining a broad commitment with the environment and society.

Our guiding principles are:
• Commitment to clients: We put our clients first in everything we do. The client is our reference.
• Trust and Respect: We work together to create a culture that builds trust and respect.
• Achievement and Contribution: We strive for excellence. The contribution of each person is essential to achieve success.
• Openness and Innovation: We are creative in implementing process changes that improve the total customer experience. We guarantee the satisfaction of customer needs.
• Integrity: We are open, honest and direct in all our relationships.
• Success and Collaboration: We collaborate effectively to provide a professional service that results in a good experience for our internal and external clients.
• Agility and Speed: We have the resources to provide quick and tailored solutions to our clients' requirements.

In order to fulfill this commitment, Xcala Travel integrates this Policy into its business strategy, with senior management being involved in its acceptance, promotion and implementation.
At the same time, the company has a Code of Ethics and a set of compliance policies that more specifically regulate aspects contemplated in this document.

This Policy is globally applicable to all Xcala Travel entities and is supported by the General Management and Any person who integrates the company is responsible for promoting the principles and commitments contained in this, in their workplace.



Included within its Compliance Program and in order to achieve its strategic objectives as a company, the strengthening of Xcala Travel's corporate responsibility goes through four major areas of action that transversally affect the different areas of the company, and which are the following:
• Corporate governance
• Human capital
• Social action
• Commitment to the Environment

Xcala Travel's business objectives and its human capital management strategy are aligned to guarantee the sustained growth of the business, hand in hand with the professional development of its employees and the progress of society


3.1.- Corporate governance:
Xcala Travel lays the foundations of its corporate governance on the following principles:
• Sustainable business
o Promoting the development of solutions adapted to customer requirements, under accessibility and sustainability criteria. Complying with the current legislation, applicable to the company in all the countries in which it operates, and also guaranteeing the follow-up of all the international commitments and standards subscribed by the company.
o Improving the company's competitiveness through the implementation of management practices based on innovation, equal opportunities, productivity, profitability and sustainability.
o Guaranteeing an exhaustive control of the quality of services, seeking compliance with the ratios agreed with each client.
• Ethical behavior
o Ensuring compliance with the general principles of action established in the Xcala Travel Code of Ethics, mandatory for all people who work in the company in the exercise of their professional activity.
o Promoting initiatives linked to its activity that contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
o Guaranteeing the dissemination and compliance with the Code of Ethics for Suppliers as well as the selection criteria related to the scope of this Policy, required for its approval.
• Transparency
o Disseminating relevant, clear and truthful information about the performance of the company's activities and its actions.
o Promoting dialogue and responsible, truthful, fluid and two-way communication to build relationships of trust with its stakeholders.
Print only if necessary and in black and white: the environment is in our hands.


3.2.- Human Capital:
At Xcala Travel, the value provided by the presence of diverse profiles in its teams is recognized, dedicating resources aimed at providing a free and safe environment where equality and integration of all collaborators are promoted.
To this end, policies are established and developed that integrate equal treatment and opportunities and programs for the integration of people at risk of exclusion, all linked to the following aspects:
• Respect for fundamental human rights contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the guiding principles of the United Nations Global Compact, to which Xcala Travel has adhered since 2004.
• Promote staff training in line with the needs of the sector, as one of the basic pillars for their professional development.
• Promote the internal promotion and retention of talent as a fundamental axis of Xcala Travel's competitiveness.
• Promote non-discrimination, the commitment to equal opportunities and respect for diversity, also favoring the social integration of groups at risk of exclusion.
• Promote a safe and healthy work environment.
• Promote the conciliation between professional and working life of its staff.

3.3.- Social action:
Xcala Travel promotes programs inside and outside the company, aimed at achieving the socio-labour integration of people at risk of exclusion, under equal conditions:
• Establishing strategic alliances with companies, entities and organizations from the public and private sectors, to generate a multiplier effect of their initiatives and make the available business resources profitable.
• Promoting corporate volunteering initiatives, making it easier for people who work in the organization to support social causes, donating their time and professional knowledge.

3.4.- Commitment to the Environment:
Xcala Travel guarantees compliance with the principles of action established in its Corporate Environmental Policy, in the terms established therein and that are related to:
• The establishment of an effective Environmental Management System that contributes to the sustainable development of the business, mitigating its possible impact on climate change.
• The protection of the Environment, minimizing the impact on it that could originate from operations due to our activity.
• The promotion of the sustainable use of resources such as water and energy.


• Proper treatment of the waste generated, typical of the company's activity, prioritizing prevention, reduction of consumption, reuse of goods and their recycling.
• The promotion of awareness and training of the company's personnel in the care and respect for the Environment.
• Strengthening the use of environmental criteria both in purchasing guidelines and in new developments.



t XCALA TRAVEL we are committed to supporting a healthy and sustainable environment by establishing environmental, socio-cultural and economic programs that describe how we carry out our business activities in a safe and respectful manner in accordance with relevant legislation and regulations.
Our operations reflect our focus on recycling, the conservation of resources and cultural heritage, the prevention of pollution and the protection of children from any form of exploitation. Our Supplier Code of Conduct encourages our business partners to adopt practices that are aligned with our environmental principles, ethical business practices, human rights, and labor practices.
Likewise, we motivate and train our collaborators with training and awareness actions on the principles of sustainability and good environmental practices, perfecting sustainable management and assuming commitments to continuous improvement in all areas of sustainability.
Sustainability goals
• Promote the correct disposal of final waste generated in the organization.
• Promote the responsible use of water and energy.
Raise awareness and promote actions with the different interest groups that allow generating awareness regarding:
• All forms of exploitation and abuse of children and adolescents.
• The commercialization and trafficking of wild flora and fauna.
• The commercialization and illegal trafficking of goods with historical and cultural value at a regional, national and global level.
• All forms of discrimination based on race, religion, sexual preference, disability and any other establishment in the laws in force.
• Vulnerable communities.
• Worker health and wellness activities.
Establish and manage mechanisms that allow:
• Maintain direct employment conditions in fair and equitable conditions.
• Carry out training programs for the community that generate employment opportunities within the company.
• Promote the purchase and use of goods and services produced by local communities in the branches where the operation operates.
• Promote compliance with safety standards for providers in the provision of the service.
With the disclosure of this policy, XCALA TRAVEL Travel Colombia urges its collaborators, suppliers, colleagues and participants in the value chain of the tourism industry to make their commitment to sustainable development explicit.
• Efficient use of water program and monitoring
• Program and monitoring efficient use of energy
• Comprehensive solid waste management program and monitoring
• Sociocultural and economic program

The Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Policy will be reviewed periodically and will be adjusted to changes that affect Xcala Travel's business model, those that may occur in the field of its activity or as a result of the approval of directly applicable regulations, ensuring that its effectiveness and compliance












Print only if necessary and in black and white: the environment is in our hands.




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